ARDRA – Impassioned Moods
Payal Ramchandani, an accomplished and elegant kuchipudi dancer from Newcastle, delighted the audience with some beautiful, well-executed kuchipudi on a hot Friday evening in London.
14 September 2016
Payal Ramchandani, an accomplished and elegant kuchipudi dancer from Newcastle, delighted the audience with some beautiful, well-executed kuchipudi on a hot Friday evening in London.
14 September 2016
Annapurna Kuppuswamy remembers one of the best-loved teachers of classical dance in India.
4 July 2016
It was a typical February evening in London: grey skies with a light drizzle, one that doesn’t invoke much joy. But when the house lights dimmed and the first twang of sitar filled the space, we may well have been in a Mogul court preparing to be dazzled
14 March 2016
Why do we dance? Do we always dance to achieve the same end? Is it and was it the forte of one gender? Such fundamental questions were the focus of keynote speeches at the three-day Purush: the global dancing male conference in Chennai.
20 March 2014
Ma3Ka is a personal journey for Anita Ratnam exploring the various forms of female energy and her association of these forms with the women in her life: her grandmother, mother and daughter.
24 February 2010
It was one of those rare Sundays in London full of warm sunshine and an evening of bharatanatyam performed to live music at the Royal Opera House was a perfect end to the weekend.
22 September 2009
The forty-eight minute production featuring five dancers, four musicians, a singer and a rap artist exploring the gang culture in the city came across as something between a Tamil film with a run-of-the-mill-storyline and a bharatanatyam piece with countless ‘dith dith thei’ and a sprinkling of other recognisable steps.
12 June 2009